Created by Hack College, the infographic below reveals that majority of college students in the U.S. use smartphones. Not surprisingly, three-quarters of them do not foot their own bill. About 88% text during class, 40% use their phones for last-minutes test prep and a quarter have used their devices in mischievous ways
Can we imagine of scenarios in Malaysia if the Ministry of Education allows students to bring their hand phones to schools? How do school students fare with college students in term of using their hand phones and handling their text messages? Please share your thought in the comment.
To all SMK Seafield students, please complete the poll at the right of this posting in order to gauge you preference in regards to using your hand phones in the school. Thanks for your cooperation.
To all SMK Seafield students, please complete the poll at the right of this posting in order to gauge you preference in regards to using your hand phones in the school. Thanks for your cooperation.

Created by: HackCollege